Great Wyrley Academy, Hall Lane, Great Wyrley, WS6 6LQ
Part of Windsor Academy Trust
parent governor v3

Become a Parent Governor

9th November 2022

We have a vacancy for a Parent Governor to join our Local Advisory Board.

Parent governors play a vital role on governing bodies, holding the unique position of having a parental viewpoint of the school. Through the children, they have a first hand experience of the delivery of the curriculum, and how the school is perceived from the 'consumers' point of view. This enables parent governors to bring a different perspective to the strategic management of the school.

To effectively fulfil the role, parent governors should:

  • Attend 3 governing bodies meeting during the year
  • Attend training as necessary
  • Get to know the school
  • Present balanced view of issues, representing different sections of the community

Local Governing Bodies have three core strategic functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils/students; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

No special qualifications are needed.  It is important to us that parent governors have a keen interest in the school and be prepared to contribute to the Local Governing Body’s work with a strong commitment to improving outcomes for children and young people.  They should possess good interpersonal skills, curiosity, a willingness to challenge and to learn and develop new skills. Training is available and there is an expectation that those new to the role will attend an induction and safeguarding training with a commitment to undertake further training as required. 

How to apply

Nominations must be from individuals exercising parental responsibility of a pupil/student currently attending the school on the day that nominations close.  You may also include a short personal statement to support your nomination, which should be no longer than 250 words. This would be made available to parents/carers if a ballot is necessary.

Nomination forms should be returned to the school marked for the attention of Marie Newman, by 20 November 2022.

For the nomination form please go to:-

We look forward to receiving your nominations.