School closes early at 2pm on Thursday 26 September 2024 for Open Evening preparation. 

School is closed to students all day on Friday 27 September 2024 for INSET DAY

Great Wyrley Academy, Hall Lane, Great Wyrley, WS6 6LQ
Part of Windsor Academy Trust
attendance at great wyrley academy


Our minimum expected attendance is 97%. The table below shows the impact of attendance below this level.

Attendance %

Days absent over a school year

Minutes late every day

Days of education lost per year













How we manage attendance

Marked as absent without reason

A text will be sent home, please respond via text or using the studybugs app with a reason for the absence as a matter of urgency so that we know that your child is safe. Failure to inform us of the reason for your child's absence will trigger a home visit from the attendance and pastoral team that same day. 

Marked as absent with a reason

If your child is to be absent for three days or more (or where we have concerns for the child’s attendance) we will require a medical certificate from your GP or a stamped Great Wyrley Academy Medical Card stating your child is too ill to attend school. Medical cards can be obtained from the Attendance office.

Routine medical and dental appointments

  • Medical appointments will affect your child’s attendance percentage if taken during school hours
  • Appointments should be made outside of school hours
  • For unavoidable appointments to be authorised, a written note signed by a parent/carer together with an appointment card/letter will be required
  • Students should only be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary for the appointment, a full day’s absence will not normally be authorised


  • A late mark (L) will be applied to students who arrive in a morning after 8:40am but before registration finishes at 9:15am or after 1:30pm for the afternoon session
  • Students arriving after 9:15am, without a valid reason supplied by parents/carers (preferably via the studybugs app), will receive an unauthorised absence mark. They must sign in at the Reception upon arrival 
  • All students arriving late will issued a 20 minute detention at lunch time that same day 

Leave of absence

  • Any leave of absence, including funerals, religious observance and sporting fixtures must be applied for by the parent/carer with whom the student normally resides on a Leave of Absence Form as far in advance as possible, for consideration by the headteacher.
  • In accordance with the local authority guidance the governing body will not consider authorisation of any leave of absence in the following periods of time or circumstances:
  • During the first half term of a new academic year
  • When the leave of absence would occur 2 weeks prior to or during internal examinations/assessments
  • If in granting the request, the pupils attendance would fall below 98%
  • Any Year 11 student

The above applies to all students, including those in sixth form. If a student has to leave the site for any reason, communication must be made verbally via a telephone conversation with the attendance team. Students must not leave the premises without the permission of the school.




How to Report a Student Absence

If your child is too unwell to attend school please use the study bugs app. If you wish to speak to a member of the attendance team then please ring 01922 419311. Details of how to access and download the app are available here. This will be the only method that families can use to report a student absence.

Get the app or register now (

NHS advice on sickness absence